You know it's funny the things you go trough in life to make yourself happy...We spend most of our lives trying to get ahead or secure a better future for ourselves. I didn't realize it till a few minutes ago, but the object of happiness really has nothing to do with our future, but mores so to the point of how we feal about who we are as a person. Three years ago I walked through the gates of Fountain Valley High School with a feeling of optimism. I had had a great 8th grade year and was looking forward to an awesome High School career. I had no idea what it had in store for me. In the last three years I never stopped to think about what was truely making me happy. Was it the fact that I grew in my relationship with Jesus Christ, was it because I fell in Love with the most beautiful girl in the universe, or was I just happy that I wasn't a complete loner like I used to be. No...actually it's none of these. I'm happy not because of all the awesome things that happened to me, but because no matter where I go nothing and no one can ever take the memories I've made away from me. I will never forget my church, or when I was baptized. I will never forget football and the first fumble recovery I ever made. I will never forget my first love and the tingly shiver up my spine I'd get every time she looked at me and smiled. It's these memoriews that make me who I am and it's these memories that make me happy. So now I look towards the future and my last year of High School and ask myself...what memories can I make this last run of my regular school career. How do I want to remember High School. You know what...for me there is only one answer. I want the same kind I've had the last three. I don't want to remember the pain of high school or the parties or drama. That stuff is only temporary. I want to remember the things that will always make me happy. The things that made me the Person I am today. And for me I can narrow it down to three people. William Alberto Baker, Emily Anne Frances Bahos, and most of all Jesus Christ. Without these three I would be nothing. And I am so greatful god has blessed me with them. Cause in my High School career, in everything I've been through. THEY make me happy. They bring me true joy. So no matter how things turn out Senior my heart I will be happy, because God gave me the three best things in the world...Life, Love, and Eternal Happiness.....How do you want to remember High School?
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
To The Three Guys Who Made Me Me
Many people often ask me what I want to do in life. What career am I pursueing or what do I want to go to school for. I mention worship arts and sudenly the tables turn into a "well you know you can't make six figures and suport a family with that Jordan." And of course I take it as constructive criticism, brush it off my sholders and move on. But then I stop to think about it and I'm like....who says. There are three people in my life that have been romodels for me in ways they'll never know. These three guys represent the one thing I wont most in life. Suporting a family, but having a job that most importantly they love to do. So I wanted to say a few things about these three people. To the begining we weren't really close, but I tell you what you were always there as an inspiration to me, musicaly and spiritualy. You're quite possibly one of the most spiritually gifted people I have ever met and now that we've had the opertunity to become closer friends you have inspired me to be so much more than I set out to bcome. To you have no idea how much you have tought me in the year that I've known you. You took my sence of perspective blown it wide open. You've been so patient with me with all my annoying questions about lights and you have given me a huge artistic lisence with overdrive. I am so greatful for that and the view you've given me at keeping god at the focal point of production. Finally to Billy....haha it all started with you my friend. You and I have come along way these past two years. I don't know exactly how to describe our relationship, because in some cases your the brother I never had, but in others your that fatherly figure that kept me in line and out of trouble. You brought me in to this production world and I'll never forget that. I hope one day I'll be taking you out to lunch with my slave like you me and Rob did that one time. You are probably the biggest inspiration in my life with four amaizing kids and a wife that your happily maried to. Most importantly you don't let the factor of money get in your way. You are living proof that you can suport a family working for a church and every day I look ujp to you as the person who I want to be compared to when I get older. We've become really close friends the past two years and I can't wait to see what the future has instore. O and don't wory I will never forget where I came from (Audio).
This has been a very emotional and spiritual last two years for me at FCC and I can't wait to see whats going to happen in the years to come. But for all of you out there who doubt my choice of career I want you to take a hard and long look at these three guys. They're living proof, and I know I wouldn't be who I am today without them.
This has been a very emotional and spiritual last two years for me at FCC and I can't wait to see whats going to happen in the years to come. But for all of you out there who doubt my choice of career I want you to take a hard and long look at these three guys. They're living proof, and I know I wouldn't be who I am today without them.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The Future Foretold...
For those of you know last friday I went to see four time entertainer of the year Kenny Chesney at the MGM. I was truely amaized at the display of 8 showguns 138 mac 2000 (counted personally) and about 50 of something I've never heard of before. And that were only the lights I could read the manufacture name off of. All this was followed by a 11 part video wall. So for all you tech people out there it is my personal mission to make overdrive like this. Now all I need is 40 million dollara and shanes approval. O well that's wat dreams are for right.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Back In The Game...

Monday, February 25, 2008

Yes I am publically announcing that my birthday is next thursday March 6th. I will be turning 17 and being exactly 365 days away from parental rule. So mom I want lots of reeses penut butter cups, emily I want you to let me win a fight, and Billy I want you to set up the 24 track recorder so I can start practicing. THANK YOU!!! (I'm just messing my birthday really is next thursday I just had nothing else to blog so I blogged this. Adios)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Crunk is In RedBull is Out...

...aftern being out of work for a wopping one week my dad, the former Regional Sales Manager for RedBull and Prestige Sales, is now the Territory Manager for the up and coming Crunk Energy Drink. The drink is brand new and will be hitting the stores soon at 1.99, one of the cheepest on the market. I think it is really good and so does my Mom and David, however Emily sais it taste like Dimatap, but then again she sais that about everything. Anyways try it. (Plus you're helpping pay for my childsuport.....jk...)
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